What is Ethical Hacking?
Hacking is the Process by which One person can Access another credential. It may be someone’s Password, Network, Device, Server, etc. Depending upon the purposes hacking is categorized. Ethical Hacking is the type of hacking in which Hacking is done for the welfare of the society such as Recovering Access from the Hackers or Searching for the Vulnerabilities that can cause damage or losing access. In other words, Ethical Hacking is a good kind of Hacking which is not done for stealing or granting unauthorized access. Many Big Companies appoint Ethical Hackers to find vulnerabilities of their Website or Sever to fix it.
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Types of Hacking
Hacking is the most common interest among the students especially if they are belonging to the computer field. Most of them want to learn hacking, for fun or for their desire. Here You will know about Each and everything about Hacking.
Hacking Generally divided into 3 Types:
1. White-Hat Hacking
2. Black-Hat Hacking
3. Grey-Hat Hacking
Below, I will tell you in detail about each type of hacking.
White-Hat Hacking (Ethical Hacking)
This Type of Hacking is known as Ethical Hacking. This hacking is done for the welfare and wellness of the people. The purpose of Ethical Hacking is to ensure people from the attackers. Day-by-day Attackers tries to hack people’s credential in different possible ways. Ethical Hacking helps to protect from the attackers.
Black-Hat Hacking
This Kind of Hacking is done to steal the information or the credential of the people with the motive to harm them.
This is done for own’s satisfaction or gain. Black Hat Hackers generally do this type of hacking with changing their IP’s so that nobody can track them. Black Hat Hacking is a Punishable act all over the world. If you find guilty in this kind of hacking then you may be punished by the government.
Grey-Hat Hacking
From the name, This is the mixture of both White-Hat Hacking and Black-Hat Hacking. Hackers who do both types of hacking according to the situation, sometimes for the self-gain and sometimes for the other welfare is known as Grey-Hat Hacking.
Best Ethical Hacking Tools Used by Hackers
- Nmap
- Metasploit
- WireShark
- Maltego
- THC Hydra
Most Hacking Searches on Google

According to a report, users most likely search on google about: How to Hack Facebook Account, How to Hack Instagram Account, Mobile Hacking, Hacking Software, etc. Teenagers are most likely to search these queries on the Internet. Many such websites also available, that claims to do that.
It is suggested to avoid these websites It can also steal your credentials instead of providing you information for others.

What are Anonymous Hackers?
Anonymous is a Group of International Hackers that are widely known for its Cyber attacks on the various Government Projects, Government Institutes, Organizations. These Computer Hackers are known as World Best Hackers. This Group was founded in 2003 and from them they have done many cyber attacks all over the world.

Phases of Hacking
For the Hacking of any Target, It may be a website, Device, Server, Operating System, etc. Hackers try to find the vulnerabilities of the target which means, to find the attacking point by which hackers can attack. The path from which the Hackers can go through is known as Back Door. The Hackers use a definite phase by which hacking is done through. Here the phases are listed below:
- Reconnaissance (Foot Printing)
It s the First process also know as Footprinting by which hackers try to find out the vulnerabilities of the target. Finding out the vulnerabilities of the target, they enter through the target through the loop-hole to gain access to the target. Attackers try to find out the IP address of the target, DNS Record, etc. After collecting as much information about the target they start the 2nd phase of hacking.
- Scanning
With the help of gained information from the first phase, Attackers try to scan the network with the help of some tools used in Hacking. Like, Network Mappers, Dialers, Port Scanner, Sweepers, Vulnerabilities scanner, etc. In this phase Attackers try to get some more relevant information so that they can attack through.
- Gaining Acccess
By using the Information gained from Phase one and Phase Two, In this phase the real hacking process is done. In this phase Hackers make a blueprint of the target so that they plan how to attack the loophole to gain access. Hackers can attack with the different methods, one of the famous and most used methods of stealing the credentials is Phishing Process.
In this process Attackers make a similar page or a clone page like the real website. For Example, They make a clone website like Facebook or Gmail and ask users to log in to their account. When they enter their details on the page, the information will send to the attacker’s database. This is just one kind of attack to gaining access, except this many other methods, are used by Attackers.
- Maintaining Access
As it is clear from the name of the phase, This Phase is used by the Attackers to maintain access and use to exploit other attacks. They need a base from where they used to continue their attacks so they own the system to do additional attacks. Sometimes, This owned system is known as the Zombie system, because the attackers make an additional administrator account so that they can maintain the access on the target as a part of precautions.
- Clearing Tracks (So no one can reach them)
This is the last but not the least phase of the hacking. After successfully gaining access to the target. Attackers try to Clear all the track records such as log files etc, as a result of which it becomes more difficult to find the attacker. This step is done by changing the IP address, the MAC address of the attacker’s system. They use some VPN also to change their IP address to avoid the legal actions against them.
What is Google Hacking / Google Hacks ?
Generally people thinks of hacking of google is known as Google Hacking. But Google hacking or Google Hacks is the use of a search engine, like Google, to locate a security vulnerability on the Internet network. This Techniques comes under the Scanning Phase.
Generally people thinks of hacking of google is known as Google Hacking. But Google hacking or Google Hacks is the use of a search engine, like Google, to locate a security vulnerability on the Internet network. This Techniques comes under the Scanning Phase.

Hacking News
- According to the Breach Level Index, Hackers steal 75 records every second.
- IN Dark Web, Over 10 Millions Zoom App Accounts are on sale. Source: Forbes News
- Go Daddy Hosting Accounts were compromised in May 2020.
- NFC vulnerabilities in smartphones creating a back door for many attackers.
- Mandrake Malware is Secretly Spying for Several Years on Android Users.
- Just a few days ago on 21st May 2020, Pakistani Hackers Hack Patna Law College Website.(Hacking in India)

Learn Online Ethical Hacking with Certification
If you are looking for a Paid Ethical Hacking course with certification then You should Enroll into CEH.
- What is CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker)
Certified Ethical Hacker certification is a global certification that is valid in more than 160 countries including the US government recognizes it. If you want to learn Ethical Hacking and also want to build a career in this then you should register for CEH.
In CEH, You will get the different Modules for learning and exploiting your skills, CEH also gives you assignments and a demo hacking websites to exploit and learn from the basics.

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