What does "404 Error" means?
Most of the time, when we click on the link for accessing some specific content then a message is triggered on the screen with 404 Error Not Found or web page is not found 404 Error.
404 Error Code is Standardized of HTTP Code Status which simply means that the web page you are trying to access is no longer available to show right now.
This Error Code is sent by the server to the browser of the user. This situation is happening because of various factors which we will discuss later in this article.

what happens when
404 Error Not Found message is showing?
When the content of the page is moved or permanently deleted from the server then by accessing to that particular URL a message will pop up with Not Found 404 Error.
Following are the various Factors because of that this Error 404 Not Found Message is pop up:
- The entered URL is no longer exist to access anymore.
- The URL is not requested to remove from the google after it has been deleted.
- URL was incorrectly typed or interlinked with the other content while editing.
- The response from the server is broken or some other server issues.
- Because of DNS conversion, the typed URL is not converted into the IP to link properly.
What are Broken Links and Dead Links?
- Broken Link Checker There is a website Broken Link Checker, where you have to put your website URL and simply click on analysis. This website will check all the links on your website and will present to you all the broken links that you should have to fix for your website performance and ranking so that whenever the google Crawlers will go through your website then it will not penalize your website authority.
- Google Search Console If you are doing blogging then you have already known about this or also if you having any website then you heard about it. Without this tool, nobody can grow their website’s authority and google search ranking. This tool also helps you to inform the errors and warnings about your website that you need to fix soon.
- Dead Link Checker By using the above two solutions, most probably you will get the solutions but if you haven’t got any proper solution then you should analyze your website with this Dead Link Checker to find out the dead links in your website that affect your website’s reputation.
- Due to CMS, Many CMS like WordPress, Drupal, etc. uses by default Not Found Error Page 404. In WordPress, sometimes this situation occurs when you forget to update your plugins then it will show the Error page while accessing your website.
How to Fix ' Not Found 404 Error ' ?
This message is mostly a hated or irritating message on the internet, I guess. No one likes that the Content they are trying to access is not available because of any reason. The worst part of this situation is that users left the web page with an unsatisfactory emotion and they are not happy at the end. If you are a content creator then it will definitely impact your Website impression on the users.
Here Below, I am going to give you some quick solutions that you should try to do whenever the message 404 Error is pop up in the screen.
- Refresh your Web page Many times a situation occurs when you don’t have a good internet speed or valuable connection then your web page may suffer to load and shows Error 404 code. By Refreshing it, you can make sure that there is no fault with your Internet connection.
- Have a look at your URL When we type by own into the address box for the URL, we do mistakes. If we add or omit a single letter from the URL then the whole URL becomes useless. So it is very important to cross-check the URL once if it shows Error Code.
- Go Back through each of the Directories If you open any particular link by internal linking, i.e. by opening a link from a particular content and you were in. such as, https://abcd.com/Directory1/Directory2/Directory3/Directory4 then go back through Each page and have a look from which page you are not able to access the particular page.
- Go through Google Open Google and paste the whole URL into the search box of Google and wait for the results to come. Results will contain that particular content on the top of the page. Open that link if the Error message is the same then proceed with the next step.
- Clean up the Cache of the Browser Sometimes, our browser contains cookies and logs data. Due to which our browser becomes slow down and unable to open the requested URL. By cleaning up these cookies and data will help you out most of the time.
- Contact the Website’s Author If you have tried all of the above solutions and you don’t get the solution then the problem is not by your side (client-side). You may ask the author of the website by sending an email. You will get contact information in the About us section.
How to Prevent Your Website from 404 Error?
- Broken Link Checker There is a website Broken Link Checker, where you have to put your website URL and simply click on analyze. This website will check all the links on your website and will present you all the broken links that you should have to fix for your website performance and ranking so that whenever the google Crawlers will go through your website then it will not penalize your website authority.
- Google Search Console If you are doing blogging then you have already known about this or also if you having any website then you heard about it. Without this tool, nobody can grow their website’s authority and google search ranking. This tool also helps you to inform the errors and warnings about your website that you need to fix soon.
- Dead Link Checker By using the above two solutions, most probably you will get the solutions but if you haven’t got any proper solution then you should analyze your website with this Dead Link Checker to find out the dead links in your website that affect your website’s reputation.
Does 404 Error Affect Your Website?
The answer is “YES”. It will affect your website ranking and due to it, your website authority will also suffer. As you know well, Google gives priority to those websites that have better content and well optimization of all the contents.
If for any websites google receives too many Error 404, then Google thinks that the website is not good enough and it penalizes that website by downing its google’s ranking. So if you are maintaining a blog, then you should always have to analyze your website’s broken links or dead links and fix it as soon as possible.
If you delete any of your blog from your website then make sure you have requested google to remove that particular URL from the google search console. Otherwise, it will show that particular link in google’s search result and when anyone clicks on that particular link then it will trigger ‘ Content Not Found 404 Error‘.
Why You Should Customize Your Own Error 404 Page?
As we know, Error Pages are so irritating and no one wants to stay on that page for long. Many times author was so engaged in their upcoming post as a result of which they don’t aware of their website’s broken links.
Most of the time visitors close the page without reading your next content. So it is very important to customize your Own Error 404 Page that will for sure engage your visitors with different posts.
Benefits of Customization of Error Page:
- Make your 404 Error Page more Attractive, By adding funny Images, and funny quotes on it.
- Add your best Category and different internet links in the Error 404 Page, So that if any of your pages will unable to open then visitors will go through your new blogs in spite of closing the page.
- You can also add some Affiliate links on that page so that if someone interested, will visit those links and can help you to make revenue.
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