What Are Backlinks?
Meaning of Backlinks is nothing just a URL of one website that is linking toward any other website, upon clicking on which visitors will redirect to the landing page of another website. Backlinks for SEO are very important for any website to gain authority. Google also recommends the Backlinking of one website with the other.
Backlink are very helpful to drive traffic from one website to another. If any High Authority Website puts the Backlink of your website. On the other hand, if any visitors find your topic interesting and will click on that link then in this way you will have your one unique visitor.
Many of the bloggers make huge quality and quantity of Backlinks for SEO because google finds the content more authentic if that blog post contains more number of Backlinks.

Types of Backlinks
- Do-Follow Backlink – Generally two types of Backlinks are considered. Do-Follow Backlink is those backlinks that tell google crawlers or other search engines to follow links on the given post or not.
- No-Follow Backlink – This is another type of Backlink in which it simply indicates the search engines not to follow these links which are given in this post.
For Any Website both the Do-Follow Backlink and No-Follow Backlink are important for SEO. But the Majority should be of Do-Follow Backlinks to gain Website Authority.

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Are Backlinks Important for SEO?
The answer is “YES“. With Backlinking, you can create more powerful SEO for your Website. When you go for the Keyword Research about any particular topic then you will find that your competitor already has created a number of Backlinks for that particular topic that helps them to rank in the top result search pages.
If you are new in Blogging and you want to drive more traffic to your website and also want to rank your website in top pages in Google Search Result then you should have gained your website authority with backlinks.
Also Read, How to Create High-Quality Backlinks? Read Here
Quality of Backlinks are More Important than Quantity of Backlinks.
How Backlink Helps to Gain Domain Authority?
As many Bloggers use Backlinks for SEO, Backlinking your domain with another website also helps your domain to gain website authority. But you should have to take proper care of this because in many of the cases people try to increase their backlinks but in result of which they lose their domain authority.
You should have to take proper care about some of the points that I am gonna tell you below:
- Don’t put your backlink on any of the unauthorized websites because it will make a bad impression of your website.
- Try to take Backlink from the high authority domain because higher the authority value more your website’s impression will make.
- Don’t go for Quantity of the Backlinks always go for the Quality of the Backlink. If you take 10 Backlink from the websites with authorities 1 or 2. On the other hand, if you take only 2 Backlinks from the websites with authorities 10+ then with the 2nd option, your website authority will increase.
What are Bad Backlinks?
Google launched its Penguin Algorithm in 2012 before this algorithm Black Hat SEO was highly used to rank the website in the top pages. This Algorithm traces out the Bad Backlinks of any website and on the basis of that, it gives authority to the website and ranks the best content on the top pages.
A Bad Backlink is that which is taken from the non-trusted or unauthorized website just to increase the quantity of the backlink. Google’s Algorithm finds out that backlink and on the basis of that it penalizes that particular web page or website. You should never have Bad Backlinks for SEO of your website otherwise it will impact your SEO score and page authority.
Sometimes, Many of the haters make Bad Backlinks of your website intentionally so that your Spam Score will increase and your website will not get traffic. In this case, you should have to check your Bad Backlinks with Google Search Console or Semrush and paste that URL for deletion.
Why Backlinks are Important?
Ankur Aggarwal, A Tech Blogger tells how to Create a Powerful Backlink for your website.
You can watch this video to have some more idea about Backlinking.
Watch Now
How to Build Backlinks for Website?
- Monitor your Competitor’s Backlinks
There are varieties of tools available by which you can check the backlink of your competitor. If you can invest then you should purchase Ahrefs tool or moz tool that can help you to check backlink for any website or if you are looking for any free tool then go for ubbersuggest or sign up to semrush for limited access.
After Checking the Backlinks of your competitor contact them via email and ask them for a Backlink exchange. Don’t forget to talk in a professional way with a proper email syntax.
- Look for Free Guest Posting Websites
Guest Posting is also a very good and cheap way to create backlink for your website. In Guest posting, you have to write a unique article with your backlink on it. Then you have to submit it to the admin of that website that allows guest posting.
You will get a list of various websites that allows Free Guest Posting with good Domain Authority so that it will be helpful for your website also.
- Join Social Groups
Look for Blogger Groups On Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, etc. In that group, you will find out various active bloggers who use to post on a regular basis. This group helps you create a good bond with them and also it becomes helpful to exchange Backlink for each other.
This way is most recommend by me, as this will make you contact wider and also helpful for your Blog without investing any amount on it.
- Take part in Discussions
Join Quora and Google Question Hub, where you will find out the different questions asked by the people. When you take part in that discussion then you can put your blog URL so that people can go through it and also that will make your contact with the other people and can be helpful for Backlinking.
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After reading your this blog post, I’m still confused in between do follow and no follow links.
Any links posted in blogs are crawl by google. In simple terms, No follow links tell the crawler not to follow and the Do-Follow links link tells the crawler to Follow. If the crawler follows your link then the chances of ranking that particular post will also increase. Higher the crawling makes higher the chances to grow that page. So the Do-Follow link is so much important.
May be you are skipping the paragraphs. Read properly you doubts will get cleared.