SEO(Search engine optimization) description

What is SEO | Search Engine Optimization | How SEO Works


What is SEO?

The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization, which is a process of Increasing the Traffic of any Product, website, YouTube videos, etc. By optimizing your website or your product. It helps to achieve a better ranking on the Search Engine Result Pages. When a user searches for a particular keyword in Search Engine(Google, Bing) then according to the keywords the search results are showing to them. Users mostly visit the websites from the upper links in the Google Results. So for any website that comes on google first page will definitely get much more traffic and that is only because of Search Engine Optimization.  

seo (search engine optimization). to gain traffic

In other words, SEO helps to make your websites in the top rank of search in the search engine. Most of the people visit the top 3 or 4 links for their purpose. So it is very important that your website should be at the top of the page. That’s why we use this technique to rank our website on the top list in the search engine.

Ways to Achieve Better SEO

It can be achieved by using the proper common keywords to a particular website that can be known by some of the popular keyword researcher websites to know the keywords. Search Engine Optimization is very essential to grow y our business and helps to do better Digital Marketing, without Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing is nowhere.   List of some Keywords Research Tools that help you to achieve better Search Engine Optimization:

These are some Tools that Top Bloggers are using to achieve the best SEO results. Some of them are free to use while some of them are paid ones.

Also Read, Keyword Golden Ratio

Features of Search Engine Optimization

  • It helps to boost your website or videos in the top rank of search results.
  • To advertise your product better.
  • It helps to enhance more traffic to your website or product.
  • If you achieve better SEO, the more traffic you get the more you will earn. 

Types of Search Engine Optimization

  • On-Page SEO – This kind of Search Engine Optimization is that when a user optimizes their Content or in your Blog Post. That enhances the Search Result in Search Engine(Google, Bing).
  • Off-Page SEO – This Kind of Search Engine Optimization is that when a user optimizes outside his Content or Blog post. To achieve a better ranking in the Seach Result in Search Engines. (Google, Bing). You can also Read Off Page Search Engine Optimization.

Google uses many Algorithms for SEO and also this Algorithm changes at some particular time. So that No one can get to know the exact algorithm of Google. Almost 3000 Algorithm changes in a Year by Google. Google always searches for better content that should be displayed on the first page of its Top results. Many people Try to Cheat Google and boost their website link in its top search result without having good content with the help of Black-Hat SEO. But later on, Google banns when it finds something wrong with this kind of content.

Techniques of Search Engine Optimization

There are mainly two types of SEO on the basis of Techniques the user does for achieving the best results.

  • White-Hat SEO – The Reason for calling this technique a White-Hat-SEO. Because it is the best technique or we can say it is the best practice to achieve better Seach results. In this, the proper keywords are used to describe the content without pressures the Google algorithm to rank for. This technique may be work later but this will not impact your website in any context. 
  • Black-Hat SEO – The Reason for calling this technique a Black-Hat-SEO. Because it pressurizes the google algorithm to rank their website in its top search result. This is done by achieving multiple and repeated uses of keywords in the post without good content. Google also ranks this kind of website but later on when google identifies that this is a kind of Black-Hat SEO. Then it banns the website forever. So it is advisable not to do Black-Hat SEO.

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